Buying Hair Growth Vitamins vs. Hair Growth Oils

Growing your hair like Rapunzel within months takes more than a miracle. Taking your daily dose of vitamins and or applying hair growth serums are two essential keys to gaining your desired length. Not only are you keeping your hair nourished with the essential oils needed to prevent dandruff, but you are moisturizing your scalp. Buying the right products for your hair type is really important. The thinner your hair is typically the less oil needed. If your hair is thicker, then having a thicker growth serum or more oil applied will help with growth. 

In the video above, Charisse recommends using some of our top 6 oils for faster hair growth. She’s come up with a great hair growth recipe. I’ve tried mixing them as well and they work. My top pick for hair growth would be the Soulflower Coldpressed Bhringraj Pure Herb Oil. Bhringraj oil is an oil extracted from sunflowers. It doesn’t smell bad and I feel comfortable putting the oil on other parts of my skin. 

Top 6 Fast Hair Growth Oils

Applying oils to your hair is not a routine for everyone. Some people would rather take pills each day to ensure they are receiving the right amount of biotin and vitamin E to boost their hair growth. Biotin, essentially vitamin B is a vital supplement to help increase hair and nail growth. Not only will biotin help grow and strengthen your nails and hair, but it will help your skin as well.   

Best Hair Growth Vitamins on Amazon

If you are looking for a vegan hair growth vitamin you can take, the Hairfinity brand comes with 60 vegan capsules. Maximize your hair growth by adding these vitamins and oils to your daily routine. 

My goal for this year is to grow my hair at least 4 inches. Which requires a lot more investment in making sure I apply the right oils to my hair weekly and take daily hair growth vitamins. By the end of the year, I want to have hair long enough to do a Rihanna hair flip.