Top 8 Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

Top 8 Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

When life gets too busy and there is not enough time to keep up with daily dust and dirt, just press Clean and these Robot Vacuums will go to work. You don’t even need to be at home to do the cleaning. With the compatible app, you can schedule or just press Clean while on the go. These vacuums will navigate around your home, sweep along with walls and corners, and even under furniture. Once the battery life is exhausted, the robot will return to its charging base, charge, and then continue cleaning.   

Robotic vacuums will help your productivity at home, in the office, or in your living space. Our top 8 robot vacuum cleaners sweep, mop and vacuum of course. These robot vacuum cleaners work on any surface such as hardwood, tile, carpet, and linoleum. Remove pet hair and other allergies everyday with the help of a robot vacuum.

Our top rated robot vacuum is the iRobot Roomba 960. It has a long lasting run time of 75 minutes, then returns to the charging station and resumes cleaning to finish the job. The iRobot Roomba 960 is compatible with Amazon Alexia and Google Assistant. iRobot Roomba 960 has a powerful suction that will remove dirt with little ease.